Hey Everyone! I wasn't kidnapped, school took over my life. I'm trying my best to balance things. I'll to update more often if get the chance, sorry.
>>TVB-G Showdown: I saw this special on VH1 a couple weeks ago called VH1 Celebrity showdown, I thought it was interesting because it analyzes two celebrity and see who the showdown through varies battles. I decided to do a TVB version. I'll start off today with the sitcoms, and I'll add more in later installments.
Round 1- HOH: "Head of Household", Nancy Sit Vs. Sir Chung King Fai, who is the most entertaining head of household? Well, each in their own rights are great veteran actors but who is more interesting to watch? In my opinion, Nancy Sit is, she has the charm & a natural comedic look that cheers people up. Sir Chung King Fai is an awsome actor, but I think looks boring when compared to Nancy Sit. So round 1 goes to VOH.
Round 2-The Demographic: Both are family type sitcoms, but Welcome To The House takes it to the EXTREME. Its so family oriented that I like it could be considered to be in the same category with children's cartoons. Maybe I'm exaggerating it alittle, but its basicly along that line. VOH had some adult themes that weren't too inappropriate, but funny so I think its more funny & adult suited. WTTH can be shown to any age demograhic between the ages of 8-65 because it is extremely family oriented, while I think VOH is more suited for the age groups of 13-60. With a bigger demographic WTTH takes the second round.
Round 3-The Ratings: Simple, which has the better air ratings. WTTH is very steady, keeping a good paste every week between about 27-29 region, and once in a while going in the 30's. Despite maybe a smaller demographic, VOH still takes the cake in ratings as it did really well back when it was on almost always keeping ratings in the 30's, rarely slipping down the 20's. So round 3 goes to VOH.
Round 4-The Romances: Although they're are family sitcom both have their share of romances, but when it comes to the interesting ones, I have to give to VOH. It simply had alot more interesting romances on the show with couples that had good chemistry like Bernice & Frankie, Bondy & Michael, & Linda & Steven. So Round four goes to VOH.
Round 5-The Resident Beauty Queens: VOH had two main beauty queens, Bernice & Linda, both MCI. WTTH has MHK 2005 Miss Photogenic Shermon Tang. All three have alot of charm and "girl next door" type personality onscreen that shines. Shermon is one of new favorites, I also really like Linda & Bernice. So who should I give this one to? Well, this round is alittle unfair to Shermon because although her fan base is big & growing fast, its still pale in comparison to the combine base of both Bernice & Linda. I decided to throw a sympathy vote to WTTH and give it round five.
TVB-G Winner: VOH With A Victory of 3-2 over WTTH.
Viewer's Choice Round-The Ensemble: I'll let you guys determine this one, which has the better cast ensemble? This is up in the air, if you pick WTH then the scores are tied up. |