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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nancy Wu Getting PUNK'D, TVB Style!

Nathan Lee, Kevin Cheng and Myolie Wu pulled a prank on Nancy Wu.
I had to share this video on YouTube. I originally saw it embedded so it didn't have a title or description so I seriously thought Kevin had an anger management problem. I also really like it because they speak English alot in this video. TVB Artists rarely speak English on camera so it's nice assessment how good they're english are.

Video Credit: MU20LEgend


"Nathan (Nancy's partner) woke Nancy up while she was taking a nap during a rehearsal break. He scribbled on Kevin's picture on the wall saying he's gay and in love with Timmy Hung. Kevin walked by and pretended to be extremely pissed off when he saw the gay joke on the wall, making Nancy feel awkward and guilty to be a part of it. Myolie tried to act surprised by Kevin's anger too.

After a short while, Kevin walked back up to Nancy again and showed her the camera that was recording her candid reaction all these while. Mission accomplished! Haha

Nancy playfully scolded Kevin for being such a fine actor ("TV king") and asked him to treat dinner. She also threatened to fly back to Hong Kong and leave Nathan alone in Hunan. Myolie was blamed for betraying her too. Poor Nancy admitted to Myolie that she didn't suspect anything about the prank at all"

Comments on "Nancy Wu Getting PUNK'D, TVB Style!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:43 PM) : 

haha. yea that was so funny... Nancy even said to Kevin: "It wouldn't be weird if u were mad" as if it's just usual and expected that Kevin would be mad at such a thing haha....

n she felt betrayed by nathan who had suddenly buddied up w/ Kevolie against her haha... so kute.... wish Timmy/Kenneth had been there as well... those 2 are always fun!


Blogger Carmen C said ... (6:49 AM) : 

LOL! Definitely a very funny prank. Kevin was like so angry. It's not surprising Kevin's English is good since he's from the States. I like his English :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:24 PM) : 

hahaha that's so funny. kevin is so awesome!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:31 AM) : 

Lol, why are they speaking English though?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:15 PM) : 

Where else can I find this video?

I would want to hear the English conversation!



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