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Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Love This Picture! I find it so amusing and relaxing, filming doesn't seem so bad as what we hear. At least they have enough spare time to play mahjong. I somehwhat envy them, I really want to have leisurely time like that playing Mahjong. I LOVE MAHJONG! Sadly my family is like most families in the U.S. are, really living a fast paste life. They're the "I'll meet you guys back here around 8:00" type so we don't sit down and play stuff like this. Only one of my friends knows how to play, can you imagine how sad of a game that would be. But I have a game on my computer call "Hong Kong Mahjong", which is even more sad when you think about it...

The most fun I've ever seen anyone have with Mahjong was in Virtues of Harmony I with Bondy Chiu, Cutie Mui, Joyce Chen, & Yvonne Lam. Personally, I thought their chemistry was built on Mahjong.


Comments on "Mahjong!"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:27 AM) : 

lol! That's a funny picture XD

I love playing mahjong too! Great game to kill time and all =)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:04 PM) : 

wow i can never imagine stars sitting down during acting time to play mahjong . lol


Blogger Asia Choi said ... (5:03 PM) : 

the excitement of playing Mahjong is great and lively so I love it. anonymous, I didnt think they had time either.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:45 PM) : 

asia, exactly . i thought they were so busy they can't even take a shower or eat . lol . but its good to give them time to relax . its better for the series and themselves . =]]


Blogger Asia Choi said ... (12:03 AM) : 

Alot of artist say they only get like 3 hours of sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:15 AM) : 

mahjong is lively :)

I've read from an actor's blog that there are lots of 'waiting time' on the set(for the crew to change settings/camera etc) so I guess this might be one of the moments

yep filming for TVB only gives the main artists 3 hours of sleep a day, and the pay is not much. Filming in mainland is better such that the artists gets normal sleeping hours+rest and high wages.

but younger stars like these ones dont get much choices and flexibility in their work, they gotta take what is given


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