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Monday, March 19, 2007

Random Blogging

The 3 New Series Airing In HK: The ratings are out for the three new series. WAD got 30 peaking 34 which is a very respectable rating. Its a grand production with a meaningful message so I knew the ratings would be good. Congrats to the WAD crew. The Best Selling Secret got 28 peaking 31. I'm hearing from people the sitcom isn't funny, I think its because the producer is Catherine Tsang, she hasn't produce a series in a long time . Life Art got 27 peaking 28, not the greatest ratings in the world, but life goes on. 9:30-10:30 is late, alot of people are already asleep so there's nothing much to do about that. Hope the ratings are better next week.

In all fairness, the ratings for LA & BSS were only for Episodes 1-4 while WAD were 1-5. Maybe 1 episode for each might have change the overall average rating. lol, yeah, I notice weird details, but it keeps me optimistic.

I Finally Did It! I finally know how to make a video clip as animation (GIF) image. My friend showed me his myspace & I saw his animations so I asked him how to make it. Turns out all you need to do is open an AVI, MPG, or MOV file in ImageReady & then prepare a GIF afterwards. The only downside is it takes a while to load completely on a webpage. I'll only post a couple here. If anyone is having trouble with the page loading then I'll remove it. I'll take them down after a while so it wont slow you guys down.

Here's two more I made as Avatars & Signatures for forums:

Comments on "Random Blogging"


Blogger cc said ... (9:27 PM) : 

hi, i was wondering what series that is in your bottom two avatars with kevin in them.


Blogger Asia Choi said ... (9:43 PM) : 

Those are from Not Just A Pretty Face. That was about 2-3 years ago. It had Roger Kwok, Joey Yung, Kevin, Jack Wu, Nancy Wu, Victoria Jolly, Tiffany Lam, ...


Blogger kate said ... (2:49 AM) : 

cool!! but u have to have the video already cut to only 10 seconds or something, right? i dunno how 2 cut/edit videos...


Blogger Asia Choi said ... (8:11 PM) : 

No imageready lets you pick which scenes you want.


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