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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Who Has Had The Best Year?

This pretty simple, who has had the best year? This means that 2006 was fruitful for them and they didn't really go through a really bumpy road to get there, so basicly they didn't go through alot of hardship. This will be an elimination type style post where I will eliminate 3 stars a day until we get a winner. I got this idea while watching VH1's Best Year Ever so I decided to do a TVB version. Let me know how you feel?

Your Winners For Best Year Ever Are...

Winner-Raymond Lam: When I began this post I was planning to let Raymond be the First Runners Up, but through alot persuasion and reasoning from readers I decided that Raymond did have the Best Year. LWOLAP didn't do well in the ratings but it wasn't the lowest, however his other series LFD was this year's #1. Face To fate got warehouse its airing next month. He also won Best Actor at the Annual Artiste Award. He made Top 5 at the TVB Awards. Besides that he has been participating alot of grand productions, he even had time to go film for a Mainland series with Tammy Chen & Alex Fong. His popularity is really rising fast. So Ray definitely had the best year.

First Runners Up-Kenny Wong: I don't know if this was a good year for him or his body. His body has been getting alot of attention causing a popularity surge and advances in his career. He even won Best Supporting Actor, but he still isn't that well liked among TVB fans. If anything, his poularity is dropping because people are pretty sick of him showing off his body at every chance he gets. So Kenny had a good year, just not as good as Raymond's.

Second Runners Up-Michael Tse: Just last year VOH of Harmony ended and the only TVB series Michael was filming was LFD. His career didn't seem to be taking off at all, but now his career is at an all time high. Just last year when we think of Michael Tse, we think of him with Bondy Chiu, but now Bondy left and Michael still has made a name for himself. Stepping into the Leading Male league and his series LFD was #1 in the ratings this year. Too bad he didn't win any awards, he had a great year, but lets say it could have been better...

Round 2 Elimination:

I was planning to let Shirley go to the final round but sos's reasoning on Shoutbox really influenced my decision. Shirley Yeung is out, because AR recieved bad ratings and Au Revoir Shanghai & The Price of Greed were warehoused. Devil's Disciple also potentially could be warehouse (Hope it wont though). Shirley was also criticized by the public for being too sexy following articles in magazines that said she was using being sexy for advertising event jobs. She won the Chicago TV award for her role as a blind character & of course she won Best Supporting actress but it still doesn't her year the best.

Linda Chung had a good year but she still isn't exactly very well recieved among TVB fans. She now has the spotlight shined on her so alot of rumors following her for example her rumors with Raymond Lam and most recently rumors that her co-workers & cast members are ostracizing her. Though she won The Most Improved award it still has not been the best year for her. Linda is out.

Sheren Tang had a great year in my opinion with her series La Femme Desperado coming in #1 in the ratings, but public opinions feel that she was "robbed" of her award so she didn't have the best year. And I think it makes sense on some level so Sheren is out.

Round 1 Elimination: As Heidi Klum saids on Project Runway, "Either you're in or you're out." and Charmaine, Kenneth, and Kevin are out. All three are award winners this but it doesn't mean that they had it good all year and had the best year.

Charmaine Sheh had about 5 series that aired this year and the ratings were pretty disappointing. AR & LWOAP had bad ratings, DOP was a disappointment, Maiden Vow had good ratings in first week or two then it slip into the 20's by the last week, and Glittering Days ratings were so so considering it was an anniversary series. A year of disappointing ratings mix with some awards still does not make it the best year for Charmaine.

Kenneth Ma's year went pretty smoothly with the majority of his series getting good ratings. His overall high this year was him winning the Most Improved Award. Then a couple weeks later the whole Sammul Chan betrayal scandal surfaced and the Apple Daily pointed the finger at Kenneth hinting he was the "backstabber". If this isn't bad press it certainly isn't good press so Kenneth's year was not the best because of the bumpy road he encountered towards the end.

Kevin Cheng's year was half baked. The beginning was average then UTCOL & TS aired and he experienced a rise in popularity. Now he's labeled as the dark horse with series that gets good ratings, and then he Best Actor last month. However, he was sued by his former music teacher & manager for a percentage of all the money he earned and will make. Though it aroused alot of sympathy but its still a lawsuit so I wouldn't say his year was the best.

3 Hot Contender out in the first round, so do you think will be out next and who will win?

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