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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

TVB Generation Closing Out 2006: 2006 TVB Calendar Final Report

. : 2006 Coming To An End: Last year I closed out the year with a TVB Calendar higlighting, and summarizing 2005 for the artistes on the TVB calendar. This year will do the same thing, 2006's calendar is alot different from 2005's because it contains alot more stars. That's why I split the Final Report into a multipart post.

To view the 2005 Final Report: CLICK HERE. This was back when I was fairly new at blogging with only about 2 months of experience on my hand so you might see a slight change in my blogging. Can't believe its almost 2007 already. I wont actually start the Final Report until tomorrow with January-February but today I round up the Cover Page with notable artistes on the front.

The 2006 TVB Calendar Cover Page: Note that I will only highlight the notable artistes on the cover page, if I highlight all of them I'll still be here on this post until 2007.

Back Row: Eric Lee-Had a very significant role in Vagabond Vilgilante, sad to say it was ware house. He mostly played villainess roles this year, overall no big jumps in his career. Nancy Wu-Gained alot of publicity because of her relationship with Deep Ng (Broken up now). Her career is progressing at a faster paste now with a couple of series where she had significant roles airing soon in 2007.

Second Row: Devily Leung-Her career is moving so slow, the only series she had this year was Maiden's Vow which she had small role in the 70's era. Yoyo Chan-She was nowhere this year, out of the three sisters from Sunshine Heartbeat (Her, Charmaine Li, & Vivien Yeo) she has the least sucess. Heidi Chu did some acting here and there, but she mostly worked on Radio Show. Angel Sung is a very successful reporter for TVB for the Ent. Scoop Show. Ngo Kanin got started getting bigger roles this year & had alot of hosting jobs so he is progressing at a good paste. Charmaine Li showed alot of improvements in her acting so she is starting to become more well recieved among TVB fans.

MHK 2005: Sharon Luk-Mostly hosting jobs if not all, if you only watch TVB series and not variety report shows you most likely won't know her that well. Tracy Ip was linked romanticly this year with Don Li, she signed a one year contract TVB, but she also express that would like to finish her education or pursue her modeling career soon. Carrie Lam stood high and mighty on her acting career, despite many thinking she would not act but rather model because of height she still pursued acting with a role in Heart of Greed as one of the "four beauties" in the series.


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