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Monday, December 18, 2006

>> TVB-G Showdown: Michelle Reis Vs. Sonjia Kwok <<

If you missed Part I: The Sitcoms, CLICK HERE.

Why Michelle Reis Vs. Sonjia Kwok?: Wondering why I put Michelle Reis (Lei Ka Yan) and Sonjia Kwok (Kwok Sin Ley) in a head to head battle? Well, if you're pageant fan then you have would catched it right away. These ladies were the only former Miss Hong Kong who were able to win the Miss Chinese International pageant.

Hong Kong has only won twice, and its been about six years since Hong Kong won the last title. Every year now, I'm wondering "Is this year's MHK is pretty enough to take the title again?". I kinda think Aimee Chan wont be able to, because of her age and many other factors but we'll wait and see. Right now, Michelle Reis still holds the title of the Most Beautiful Miss Hong Kong, will Sonjia fill her shoes? Or will a younger MHK take over it in the future?


The Body: Michelle Reis stands at 5'7 with a body of supermodel, many fashion designers like Christian Dior sponsor her to represent them. Sonjia Kwok is about 168 which is about 5'6, she is quite fit but her body isn't quite celebrated as Michelle so Round 1 goes to Michelle.

The Education: Michelle went to Maryknoll Convent College which is good and small college. But Sonjia graduated from Vancouver University majoring in Physicology & Economics. Vancouver University is bigger is more well known, and I'm sure its alot more accredited. Round 2 goes to Sonjia.

The Love History: Well, lets just say both Michelle and Sonjia had their share of rumours with Billionaires in Hong Kong. Sonjia was rumoured earlier this year to be dating Chan Kwok Keung. Michelle as a matter of fact is currently dating a Billionaire. Both of them were linked with leading males in TVB's "the Breaking Point. Michelle was linked with Leon Lai, while Sonjia dated Deric Wan for two years which actually brought her career down. Round 3 goes to Michelle for scandalous love life.

The Age: Michelle turned 36 this year, while Sonjia turned 32. For reason in live pictures outside of the studios, Sonjia looks older than she really is. But the fact is Sonjia is younger so Round 4 goes to Sonjia.

The Beauty: This one is totally based on my opinion, if you guys feel different about it then consider who ever you picked the winner. I think honestly, Michelle Reis is prettier, she looks amazing for age, like she is a decade younger than she really is. Both ladies are mixed, Michelle is half Portuguese, and Sonjia is a quarter British. Michelle looks so much more exotic with very unique look. Plus, she still holds the title of the Most Beautiful Miss Hong Kong almost 18 years after she won MHK. So I picked Michelle to win Round 5.

In This Battle Michelle wins 3-2. Once again its a matter of opinions.

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