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Monday, December 11, 2006

Things I Miss

Nothing special, just a little & short piece that I wrote really quickly with random stuff in my head. It might or might not keep you guys entertain regarding about what I miss. If you're bored feel free to read.

I Miss... Pictures of Kevin or Niki alone. Seriously, they have been at almost every event together. When I see a picture of Niki alone, I start asking myself "Where's Kevin? Something must be seriously wrong.", vicesa versa. I saw a picture of Kevin with Amanda S. & Ankie Bui, and I just thought to myself its strange to see him without Niki and with other girls...

I Miss... Series Where Gigi Lai & Bowie Lam Aren't In It Together. They have been in so many series together, paired up and not paired up. Lets see there's WAB, HH3, DOP, ... And now its been announce they work together again in Jewel's Splendor. I could understand if they had awsome chemistry like LJ, but they're just lacking that "it" factor. I can think of like 5 actors Gigi would have better onscreen chemistry with, I hope they're not paired up again in JS.

I Miss... Series Without Stretch Marks. Some TVB series these days have the skin texture of 8 month pregnant belly. Why cant they keep a good series in the 20 episodes range when it is fitting. Don't stretch it out to make a pretty boring 30-40 episode series. *COUGH*LWOLAP*UNCOUGH*. Hopefully the 60 & 80 episodes series will not have that effect.

I Miss... Wuxia Series. There have been a lack of them in the past few years. Considerably less than the 90's. Face To Fate was a really good series I thought shouldn't have been warehoused. I think its all because LWOLAP got really bad ratings so TVB got the impression that people don't like Wuxia type series anymore so they haven't aired any in a while. They mostly only air Romantic Comedies now.

I Miss... The Days When I Thought TVB Artistes Were Poor. There was a time when I thought some of the artistes were so dead broke. Now all of them seem extremely rich. Ron, Bosco, Sonjia, Charmaine, all talking about how they have to pay for 6-7 figure income tax. Bernice talking about buying real estate to invest in. Charmaine shopping for a Porsche. Raymond driving around in a Benz. Kenix & Frankie investing in luxury homes. I love the articles where they casually slip in they made 5-6 figure sum for attending a 2-3 promotional event. My gosh, how much money do they make a year.

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