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Sunday, August 27, 2006

>>> I Found It !! <<<

. : Kevin Cheng's Mini Concert: I spent some time hunting for it. It turns out, it didnt actually aired until yesterday in Hong Kong so now its finally released.

. : Special Concert Guests: Miriam Yeung, Raymond Lam, Niki Chow, Hins Cheung, Ivanna Wong, and Karen Tong....

*Please Do Not Repost Download Link Without Giving Proper Credit Linking Back To The Site, Thank You*


. : Brief Comment:
The show is condense because it was aired on HK TV. Its approximately 26 minutes long. I wish there was more, cant get enough of Kevin. Its only 127 MB so its quite easy to DL. My favorite part of the show is when Raymond performed with Kevin, they sang the Themesong for Yummy Yummy. They explain they became good friends since filming in Singapore for Yummy Yummy. Raymond has really good body language when he performed. I also really like Niki’s duet with Kevin singing the UTCOL theme.

>>> Picture Highlights <<<

Comments on ">>> I Found It !! <<<"


Blogger cutie137 said ... (11:53 PM) : 

do you think you can upload the mini concert again? it somehow doesn't work for me.. thanks!


Anonymous Vivi said ... (10:56 PM) : 

i know same with me!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:58 PM) : 

it says: Sorry, the file you requested is not available.
can you upload it again?? plz plz pllzzz


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:58 PM) : 

plz upload it again! it doesnt work


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