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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

>> Its Always Nice To Know - Spotlight: Raymond, Ron, & Kevin<<

This Is Interesting... First off, I found this Magazine Scan at I was just rummaging around the site, turns out there are alot cool stuff there. I thought this was interesting, usually when you hear artistes working together you might see they're friendly, but some wont necessarily be friends & hang out together. Its good to see that they're actually goods friends going to shopping centers together. Cant believe the press actually followed them. Look at the picture on your left, Ron is so funny... He's the first one to see that a photographer is following them, and waves basicly kinda saying "whats up? We know you're following us."

Hmm... Nice To Know: The press actually broke down how much each of guys were wearing on regular scroll around a shopping center. Ron really seem to like Y-3. Ray Ban sunglasses and Dolce & Gabbana shirts also seem to popular among three. So who is wearing highest value clothings?

1st Place: Ron-Grand Total: $7,500! (I'm still wondering how much his pants, watch, & necklace cost. It'll probably bunk the grand total into the five figure zone)

2nd Place: Raymond-Grand Total: $4,500. (Also wondering how much Ray's shoes, watch, & necklace cost)

3rd Place: Kevin-Grand Total: $3, 300. (Again I'm wondering how much Kevin's watch, necklace, & pants cost.)

Overall they're all dressed pretty casual, but still sauved. Its strange that Raymond & Kevin are both staring really hard in the same exact direction. Must be a really pretty girl standing there. At least Ron isnt staring lol, good for him.


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