>> SHOCKED!! I was so surprised, even a little speechless when I saw his newly released ad. I knew he's been working out, I only expected him to slim down, & maybe gain a little tone, but dang! He's rip! I cant believe he got a six pack in a mere 2-3 months. When I saw Bosco's ad, I was thinking Kevin might or might not top him, overall unsure. This is the first slimming ad that was revealed, I found it at the "HK Be A Lady" site, but part of a slide show though so I had to screen capture it. Its the best quality picture I found so far. This hot stuff, I think I'll see these pictures in forums as banners soon. Hook your buddy Asia up with a banner if you photoshop experts have an extra one. ;)
>> Kevin Cheng's Fans Club Magazine Scan Version: Kevin's official site, www.kevincheng.com.hk, has a magazine scan version. The picture are a little more blurry, but its a little more close up. If you guys repost it, I think you shouldn't crop their water marks of the site to give them credit & be fair to the fans club. *Credit To: www.kevincheng.com.hk*
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