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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

>>> Early On Analysis: Part 4-Finale <<<

.: Feel Free To Disagree Again: We're finally here down to the final category to predict early on. Every year, The Best Leading Actress is most anticipated, the most discussed, & definitely the most arguable. Alot controversy has come from this category, I think I speak from past experiences when I say there's really no sure winner until the final the second when it's announced. Like I said, feel free to disagree, its only natural. Just dont get extremely angry over it, because they're only early on predictions.

::: The Best Leading Actress: The Contenders :::

TVB Generation

.: The Spectacle: My god, its hard to believe its only July, and the predictions are jamed pack with contenders. I had to build a three row tower to displayed all the contender's pictures. There many that just recently enter the game as a key contender due to extremely high ratings from their series. Its only gonna expand in the coming months, I expect other sure contenders like Myolie Wu & Liza Wang to enter once their anticipated series airs (War & Destiny, and Pearls of the Orient). An honorable mention I think is Louisa So, very deserving, but there's simply too much competition.

I must admit in the beginning of the year I thought that this category for 2006 would be a repeat of 2004 where the WAB cast dominated, except this time it would be the DOP cast. Once DOP got disapppointing ratings, suddenly all the other leading actresses were back in the game, some even got ahead of the game. Curently, my money is on either Jessica Hsuan, Kenix Kwok, or Sheren Tang. This might be the last year Jessica is with TVB because her contract will end in Semptember. Kenix has currently stop filming TVB series for a while now-she said she's resting will return next year. What I'm saying is maybe a Best Leading Actress Award might sweeten the deal for either of their return? I dont think Jessica will need a deal though, her "Casino Crisis" series is highly anticipated & mostly likely will get really high ratings. Kenix had "A Pillow Case of Mystery" this year, but do you think its enough for her to win?

Sheren Tang is my other top contender because of the great success from LFD. Her relationship with TVB is alot better now than 2004, so we'll see how it goes. Yoyo Mung & Melissa Ng were pretty high on my list because they were the key actresses that I said made it into the game from extremely high ratings from their series (Yoyo-FH, Melissa-LFD). The reason Ada Choi is caught in the middle of Yoyo & Melissa, because she's awsome, despite DOP getting low ratings, she gave her heart & soul into that acting job. Plus its the first series she did with TVB since To Catch The Uncatchable in 2004.

Charmaine Fans Will Freak Out! Why is Charmaine Sheh near the bottom of my list & behind Gigi Lai? I'm a Charmaine fan also, but everyone here probably knows I speak my mind. Charmaine's series have been quite a failure in the ratings... Since WAB, Strike At Heart became a warehouse series; Yummy Yummy, Always Ready, & LWOLAP all got really low ratings. DOP was a disappointment. So you guys do the math. Gigi's series were slightly more succesful so thats why she was higher on my prediction list. I dont think she'll win though, its a little too early for her to win for the second time. Maggie Siu was an honorable mention really, she's a respectable veteran actress. I really think deserves some recognition for performance.

Expect The Competition To Heat UP!!

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