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Tuesday, July 25, 2006


>>Another Boderline Porno... Maybe not that explicit, but its pretty darn close considering its only a TV Movie. I'm talking about this TVB TV Movie called "A Quick Step of Passion". I picked it up from the video store because I saw Sheren, it looked like a decent TVB production movie, but trust me it isnt. My dad came over for dinner, & watch it with my parents in the living room. BIG mistake!! Why?

The storyline tells that Sheren is cheating on her husband (Adam) with her dance instructor ( Michael Tong). OMG, Sheren & Michael have sex so much in this movie. While I watching with my parents, I wanted to turn it off, but I didnt wanted to be the one they said something. Just when I thought it couldnt get anymore awkward, here comes a sex scene with Michael shirtless taking off Sheren's top, and he's right on top of her. When Sheren started moaning & Michael started thrusting, I was waiting for a bolt of lightning to hit me! It didnt hit me so I was looking around for cameras because I swear I thought I was on hidden camera show & they planted this prank on me. Luckily my friend called my cell, and I was out of there. Thank god.

I cant believe this was air on HK TV. I expected this from category 3 movies in theaters but not from a TVB televised movie. Luckily their was no actual nudity. This movie's storyline was flat & boring. Almost half the movie was Michael & Sheren in intimate scenes, so even call it a movie. Trust me when I say avoid this. This was like from two years ago, glad Sheren doesnt do these kinds of TV movies anymore.
Picture Credit: TVB Square

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