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Sunday, June 25, 2006

>>> TVB-G Fashion Double Vision/ Asia's Bonus Humor <<<

>>>Niki Chow & Liza Wang: Both these ladies wore this same suspender oufit with a slight change of the feather and chain accessories. Niki wore it at the 2005 JSG Award, and Liza wore it performing her duet with Kelly at JSG for their song "Goddess of Freddom". So who does it look better on? My Pick-Niki. *SUBMITTED By Sidney Lu*

>>>Charlene Choi & Ada Choi: Charlene Choi wore this same American stars top in a photoshoot for PR pictures. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe thats Ada Choi wearing that same top in catalogue ad. I'm almost positive it Ada though because it looks like the spring Moiselles catalogue which she is endorsed by. So who does it look better on? My Pick-Ada.

>>>Nnadia Chan & Michelle Ye: These pictures are very old. You can just tell it was taken a really long time ago, because both of them look very diffrent compared to now. Both Michelle & Nnadia were spotted wearing this blue ruffle & bow tied top. So who does it look better on? My Pick-Nnadia.

>>>Spot Any? I'm running fairly low on Features like Fashion Double, Underneath It All, & Look Alikes. If you spot any, please help me and send it in to keep the features alive. Thanks!

>>Asia's Bonus Humor<<: This video is absolutely Hilarious! Its a spoof by MTV Comedian Andy Dick creating a fake pop princess called Daphne Aguilera (Supposively Christina Aguilera's Cousin). The first half of the 5 min Video is the making of the Music Video, and the second half is the Music Video itself. The Second Half is an absolute must see!

*Daphne Aguilera - Naughty Baby Did A No-No. Check It Out, Its A Must See!*

*NOTE: I will stop using the Windows Media Player on this page because it automaticly plays for Firefox users. I'm signing up for a Youtube account to accommodate them.*

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