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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

: : : TVB-G Picture of the Week : : :

Silly & Cute: I found this picture while surfing around in the Asianfanatic's gallery, and I had to stop to take a closer look because it looks so unique, and it grabbed my attention. This is sorta the reverse role playing with Bernice playfully licking her lip with her tongue while filming, and Raymond covering himself up like he's being violated, nonetheless he still has his cute smile on and goofy face. The poem on the picture is so cute you cant help but say AWwwhh.... By the water mark it was made by someone name Senorita, who did an awsome job.

Just a little side note, I did a minor update today because I was to busy watching Danielle win America's Next Top Model on its season finale, and now I'm finishing up some Homework while watching My Date With My A Vampire II.


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