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Monday, November 21, 2005

Nikki's Win Lose Situation:

I'm a big fan of both Nikki and Bernice, so I'm not a Nikki hater or biase. But between, Bernice & Nikki, Bernice deserved the award more. Bernice in her career span I'm sure have been in at least 10 series each with chronoligical improvements. Nikki on the other hand only has been in two series that aired, Hard Fate & The Gentle Crackdown. In both series she plays the exact same character type. Both characters are tom boys with the same attitude. The roles were played well, but showed no variety. Bernice's has played a princess, a strong will lawyer, a tough cop, a determined doctor-just to name a few, and in each series there was a clear difference in her charcater and acting. This was a big mistake. There were boos in the audience when Nikki won. I dont think its from Bernice fans like people have said, but true critics who saw that this was rip off. Lets all commend Bernice for her gracefulness through out this whole unfortunate ordeal. Nikki is now seen as public enemy number one to all Bernice fans which made her lose some fans from when she was neautral, making her win a lose.

Triumph In The Sky II: Special Update-It’s Been Shelved!!!

For Those Who Have Not Heard , Please Read This News Article:

Credit To: Fuzzybear @

TITSII, which was scheduled to begin production in Jan 2006, has been shelved. This is due to a request from the series' main sponsor Cathay Pacific. TVB is preparing two new series for cast members like Liza, Jessica and Ron instead. Ron will star with Damian Lau in something called 'Nam Yan Zi Fu', while Liza and Jess will cooperate on a nostalgic series.

Source: Ming Pao Weekly
Thanks To: Toomanysidesofme for posting the important info.

The Break Down:

No, I'm not talking about the fans who had the break down upon hearing this, but more info. and a basic summary. As you read, Cathay Pacific which is one of Asia's major Airline decide to "request" for it to be shelved . Cathay Pacific was also a major sponsor of the original. I suspect that its problaly a money issue that they're disputing. I've heard rumours that half way through the original, Cathay ask for the airplanes in the series to say "Cathay Pacific" instead of the made up "Solar" for promotional purposes. However the "Solar" was already embeded into many scenes ahead of time because it is special effects.

Well the bottom line is whatever conflict they are having the dedicated fans gets punish by the delay, or quite possibly its future cancellation. When a series is shelved, it puts a big question mark on it. So who knows what will happen, but for now Liza and Jessica will be in a nostalgic(ancient) series, and Ron will be in a series with Damian Lau(which sounds mind blowingly boring at the first impression). I am very angry that this is happening, and I'm sure other fans are too. TVB really set our hopes high for a big let down. Lets just all pray its only delay not the sour ending we fear.

Comments on ""


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:44 PM) : 

Hey what's that Damian Lau?
I think he's a very good actor...

Why does he bored you?


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